Adult Ballet Resources Online

Online Resources

The internet is a plentiful source of information to help you on your ballet journey!

Below is a list of blogs and websites that will help you stay connected, gain insight, and see what other adult ballet dancers are doing around the world. Click on the resource to go to their sites!

Ballet Blog

Rich resources especially for dancer health, proper pointe technique, and stretching. Paid and Free resources.

Tons of resources for teachers and students! . An extensive directory of studios that offer adult ballet classes, and some great products

Ballet for Adults

A niche blog for adult ballet dancers with tons of resources, great shopping, a podcast, and many other features.

Adult Ballerina Project

A blog about adult ballet with tons of great articles and advice

Spot Yrself

A very insightful and fun blog created by an adult ballet dancer.

Biscuit Ballerina

She is a professional ballerina, and an amazing one. She also has a great sense of humor, and loves to share her insights of how ridiculous, beautiful and crazy ballet can be. Don!t miss it!

Ballerinas by Night

Jenna and Abby, the creators of this site, are pioneers in sharing online content for adult ballet dancers. Their website and YouTube are a must see!

The Accidental Artist

A former professional dancer-turned teacher, shares her expertise and provides a wide array of useful resources. She also has some great online classes.

Adult Ballet Collective

An Australia-based adult ballet website that is a place for adult dancers to connect and learn. They curate content that is relevant to the community including tutorials, advice, and blog posts. I am honored to be one of their guest bloggers. They also featured me as International Adult Ballet Teacher in October, 2019. They also have super cute ballet merchandise that you will want to scoop up!

Late to the Party Ballet

This blog is the journey of Patricia, another exceptional adult ballerina located in Canada. Like me, Patricia went all in on the adult ballet life, making ballet a priority and finding creative ways to make it more than a hobby, but a career. From street performances to online courses, you can learn and share in her journey here!

Transcend Normal

Of course, I would love for you to visit my own main website if you have not done so already. I am continually adding more stuff there, blogging, and sharing cool stuff I find for adult ballet dancers. If you would like to share your story in a blog post, please email me your story to [email protected]. Include a great picture, and I will feature you!

I also post a lot of videos on my YouTube channel, and they are all for the adult ballet dancer! please consider subscribing!

Follow me on Instagram for adult ballet photos and inspiration


Please share any other resources you find with us in the comments.

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